News From The Principal
Dear Families,

Our Kinder Leadership Program commenced this morning at three of our local kindergartens. Nine Grade 6 students were involved. I felt very proud of the students I was with who challenged themselves in this leadership role. It was a great start to the program that runs over the next few weeks.
Mid-Year Reports
It is so nice to see everyone back into the swing of routines and learning. Over the next few weeks, lots of assessment will be taking place across the school collecting information to support what is written in the mid-year reports for all our students. NAPLAN Writing, Reading and Grammar and Punctuation assessments took place this week for Grades 3 and 5 and Numeracy testing will be next week. Well done to all students who have been focused and tried their very best.
HDSSA Cross Country
HDSSA Cross Country was on Monday with 32 of our students participating in the event at Heyfield. Lots of parents were able to attend and support our students on the day. We have a few going on to the next level which is very exciting!
Gippsland Art Gallery
Also this morning, the Preps went to the Gippsland Art Gallery in Sale. They travelled on the “Artibus” and were immersed into the art world by volunteers at the gallery who took them on a guided tour. Thank you to Mrs Koeninger for organising and taking the students to the Gallery.

Indonesian program
We’ve had Maffra Secondary students in our school supporting the Indonesian program. Thank you Bu Fleur for making this happen. It was great to see Montana, Summer and Emily return to Boisdale after leaving us when they finished Grade 6 two years ago. All the girls seemed to be very pleased that they are now much taller than me and their Indonesian skills have grown too!
School Assemblies Changed
Assemblies will now be on Monday mornings at 9am. This change of day and time will enable us to set up the week in a positive way. Families and friends still welcome at this new time.
School Open Day
Our school open day and Prep information night is on Thursday, 26th May. Please spread the word to prospective families so they can come and see our kids shine in their classrooms between 9:30-10:30am. The welcome address and school tour start at 9am in the Multipurpose Room and the Prep information session is at 6pm.
Finally, I would like to pass on a message to Maffra Bus 1 travellers from your bus driver Janene…
”The students travelling on Maffra Bus 1 have been amazing.”
Well done Maffra Bus 1, it is so lovely to hear such great feedback, keep it up!
For everyone’s information, School Council will meet next Tuesday evening.
Kindest of regards,
Mrs Armitage
Acting Principal
School Council Members:
Jenna White, Jess Rae, Mick Daly, Leesa Brideson, Emma Daymond, Abby Meredith, Elspeth Lukjanov, Kelly Willis, Melissa Glover, Belinda Howard and Belinda Marshall.
School Council President: Tracey Harper Parents & Friends President: Bridie Heinrich